Voting Information
Are You Registered to Vote?
If you voted in a previous municipal or provincial election, you should already be registered to vote. If you need to register or update your information, visit or call 1-800-661-8683. Advance registration closes mid-August. After this date, you can still register to vote on General Voting Day, October 15, 2022, at any of the advance voting opportunities, or when requesting a mail ballot package.
General Election
The general voting day for the Municipal Elections is October 15, 2022.
Polls will be open from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM.
Voting hours are 8am to 8pm at the following locations. All voting locations are wheelchair accessible.
Carson Graham Secondary School, 2145 Jones Ave
The Pipe Shop, 115 Victory Ship Way
Larson Elementary School, 2605 Larson Rd
Memorial Recreation Centre, 125 East 23rd St
North Shore Neighbourhood House, 225 East 2nd St
Queen Mary Elementary School, 230 West Keith Rd
Ridgeway Elementary School, 420 East 8th St
Sutherland Secondary School, 1860 Sutherland Ave
Westview Elementary School, 641 West 17th St
Advance Voting
Advance voting is available at City Hall, 141 West 14th St in Conference Room A/B (wheelchair-accessible), at the dates and times listed below.
Wednesday, October 5: 8am-8pm
Saturday, October 8: 10am-4pm
Tuesday, October 11: 10am-6pm
Wednesday, October 12: 8am-8pm
Thursday, October 13: 12pm-6pm
For the first time in local elections, all eligible electors are able to apply to vote by mail ballot.
Application period: Wednesday, August 3 to Monday, October 10;
Packages mailed to electors via Canada Post: on or around Friday, September 30;
In person pick up: any packages requested on Wednesday, October 5 or later must be picked up at City Hall; and
All completed mail ballot packages must be returned to the Chief Election Officer no later than 8:00 pm on Saturday, October 15 (General Voting Day) to ensure the ballots will be counted.
More details on mail ballots can be found online here.
Information on local government elections: