Council Appointments and Committee Memberships:
Climate and Environment Task Force (Chair)
Lonsdale Energy Corporation Board of Directors
City of North Vancouver Library Board of Directors
North Van Arts Council Board of Directors
Advisory Planning Committee
Metro Vancouver Climate Action Committee
Additional Memberships and Appointments:
Lower Mainland Local Government Association Executive Board
BC Municipal Climate Leadership Council
Climate Caucus Board of Directors
Notices of Motion:
Climate Action (Update of GHG emissions targets and creation of the Climate and Environment Task Force.)
Smoking Bylaw Update (ban on smoking and vaping in parks and plazas)
Council Meeting Child Minding
Priority AAA Mobility Corridors
Alternate Response Plan for RCMP Wellness Checks
St. Andrew's 30 km/hr Speed Limit Pilot
Ban of Anticoagulant Rodenticide
Declaration of National Opioid Public Health Emergency
Climate Resiliency Funding